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Custom A/C Evaporator For Light Vehicles
The power of the car engine is reduced?The power output is uneven and gradually decaying? The car is getting more and more fuel-hungry? Is it more and more difficult to start the air conditioning and refrigeration system in the car? And the engine is hot? Engine jitter, unstable speed? This is your car reminding you that it's time to clean or replace the EVAPORATOR. The evaporator is also a kind of heat exchanger, which is a direct device for obtaining cold air in the refrigeration cycle, and its shape is similar to that of a condenser, but narrower, smaller and thicker than a condenser. The evaporator is installed behind the cab dashboard, and its structure and installation in the refrigeration system are mainly composed of pipes and heat sinks, and there are water trays and drainage pipes under the evaporator. The role of the evaporator is opposite to the role of the condenser, the refrigerant plays a heat-absorbing effect, the air flowing through the evaporator is cooled, when the refrigeration system is working, the high-pressure liquid refrigerant expands through the expansion valve and the pressure decreases, becoming wet vapor into the core tube of the evaporator, absorbing the heat of the heat sink and the surrounding air. During the operation of the evaporator, due to the decrease in the relative humidity of the air, the excess moisture in the air will gradually condense into water droplets, collect together, and discharge to the outside of the car through the outlet pipe. In addition, in order to save energy, the air of the blower comes from the cabin, and the low-temperature air that is too low has been cooled by the evaporator, and then sent into the cabin again after cooling (when the air conditioner is working, the internal circulation mode is adopted), and the circulation of the car air conditioner is repeatedly carried out, which not only cools the cabin, but also plays a dehumidification effect. The Requirements for evaporators: Due to the limited space location of the evaporator (a component that directly generates cold or warm air) in the car, the evaporator is required to have the characteristics of high cooling efficiency, small size and light weight. For systems with expansion valves, the superheat of the evaporator outlet is controlled by the expansion valve, and for systems with fixed throttle pipes, the gas-liquid separator behind the evaporator is relied on to ensure that the compressor must be sucking in gas.